by James Wade | Jul 27, 2020 | IRS, IRS Offer-in-Compromise, Offers in Compromise
What are the Cons of an Offer-in-Compromise? Nothing comes in life for free. Offers are no different. I can list off about a dozen things which could make an offer a bad idea. I will talk about the top three things as this is what gets people 90% of the time. I will...
by James Wade | May 8, 2020 | IRS, IRS Back Taxes, IRS Offer-in-Compromise, Taxpayers
How Much Do I Offer to Qualify for an IRS Offer-in-Compromise? This post is a continuation of a series on the IRS offer-in-compromise program. Click here and here to read about the OIC process and programs. In this post, I am going to get right to the heart of it. How...
by James Wade | Mar 26, 2020 | IRS, IRS Back Taxes, Offers in Compromise, Tax Controversies, Taxpayers
The Three Types of IRS Offer-in-Compromise Programs I have previously introduced what an IRS offer-in-compromise is (for more detail on the basics click here). Briefly, an IRS offer-in-compromise is a legally binding contract between the taxpayer and the IRS to settle...
by James Wade | Jul 5, 2018 | Income Taxes, IRS, Offers in Compromise, Taxpayers
In my last blog post I talked a bit about the three types of offers-in-compromise. Offers as to doubt as to collectability make up a large majority of offers made to the IRS. The key to making a successful offer based on doubt as to collectability is the concept of...
by James Wade | Jun 25, 2018 | IRS Back Taxes, Offers in Compromise, Tax Controversies, Taxpayers
What is an Offer-in-Compromise? Offers-in-compromise are one of the most powerful tools in my arsenal to completely resolve a client’s back taxes. If you listen to the radio or watch television you must have heard ads talking about settling your tax debts for...